Monday, May 10, 2010

if everything is ruined then nothing is ruined!

the discovery channel just told me that dark matter is the master of the universe. i always used to wonder what all the space between stuff was. because it's really hard to conceive of 'nothingness.' in fact, that's why i dig leibniz even though he's super hard to get and difficult enough to read (translation probably has something to do with that, but i dont speak german, and even if i did, my brain doesnt work/understand concepts like a german brain anyway so it wouldn't be much easier - but now i'm tangent-ing about the sapir-whorf hypothesis which is SO COOL but not what i'm trying to blather about this time so shut your mouth when you're talkin to me).

anywho. leibniz postulated that in the infinity of possibility, the world that exists must be the best of all possible worlds, and that's why it exists (basically because things that are possible are just competing to become actual - actual = existing), and for something to exist, it must be something and not nothing. has your brain 'sploded yet? 

so when the discovery channel was tellin me how the universe works n started talking about dark matter and explaining it a way i understood (for once), i was just grinning. i finally had an answer to what's all that space between the STUFF. it's not AIR. there's no AIR in space. plus i can name "air" - it's made of molecules just like i am. you know, oxygen and pollution and.. some gases.

that's the beginning of the movie Contact (great movie), the end of which (the clip, not the movie. ..well actually kind of the movie too, now that i think about it) reminds me of 2001: A Space Odyssey - but alas, i digress again.

what i love is that, as nebulous as it is (oh snap, unintentional science pun!), i GET dark matter now because it's the stuff between the stuff! everything isn't floating about all disconnected with not enough gravity to hold it together but it stays together anyway cuz i said so. it's thick out there. and here. now, i'm not a sciencey, mathy, physicsy person. so all the dark matter in my brain started making a whole galaxy of totally not-scientific connections. 

it's not magic, it's just the way things are, tommy, you and me and the air are actually tiny particles that're swirling around together. look right here, you 
k, but lookit the cracks between these particles, and the cracks we fall through, the holes of nothingness!
but look closer - there are tiny particles connecting the larger cubes
yeah, and then tinier cracks between the connections
and even tinier connections
and even tinier cracks
yeah but if ya look close enough, you cant tell where my nose ends and space begins because they're unified. see?

don't fall through the holes of nothingness - the space between the particles - because there's just more STUFF ! thanks, i <3 huckabees. 

as if quantum physics could get any nerdier. because dark matter is the stuff between the stuff, holding the stuff together, but it's made of we don't have a clue what, it is flirting with (dun dun dun) METAPHYSICS!! which is what i've been blathering about. oh man, it's so much fun. 

ok, one more thing, and it's really pretty. synchronicity. i'm sure i've mentioned Jung before (because he's made so many points that make me go DUDE TOTALLY) about archetypes and how no story is new, or about language (that whole sapir-whorf thing creeping back, oh how my brain works) or .. well he was a smart crazy dude. ever had to take a personality test thinger in a job interview or for a career counselor? he started it. anyway, he had a lil theory about synchronicity. this is just that one can experience events that offer meaning, even if there's no causal relation. coincidences with meaning. not everything has a cause and effect. starting to sound like chaos theory? weeeee so many connections.

i give you FRACTALS. i give you the mandelbrot set!

SO COOL. here's a video that will make it make more sense in the scheme of my ramblings if you dont know what it is. that right there is infinity, patterns, meaning in chaos, and stuff in the spaces between stuff. 

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